Friday, July 9, 2010

Fruits and Veggies In, Juice Out

I thought I'd give you a visual of what goes in and what comes out. (No not that kind of out!!!) Out of the juicer! This is my mid-morning/mid-afternoon juice. 3 Carrots, 3 stalks of celery, 4 Gala Apples, 2 Plums. As an aside, it was a fun lesson in density as the layers of juice normalized into a really cool series of layers based on density. (This picture doesn't show it though, as I had shaken the jar just prior to this picture)


  1. No comment on the taste though. I'd only be able to drink that much juice if it tastes good! And what kind of juicer do you have?

  2. Taste is awesome! The plum skin gives it some tart, while the sweet of the carrots and apples really adds a lot. Celery is there for posterity. :)

    My juicer is horrible. It stops on me mid juice half the time. lol. I'm borrowing one from the Kinsella's Sabbath, or from Tom and Kat if that one isn't masticating.

  3. Celery adds a good bite to juice. :) So you are actually juicing then, leaving pulp behind? There are some 'juice' fasts out there that have you puree the food more into smoothie form, using a Vitamix or the like.

    Did you by chance get on the scale at the beginning of this? I know your ultimate goal is not just for weight loss, but I'm curious as to what kind of weight you can lose with something like this. :)

  4. I was also curious about just blending up the veggies in a blender as opposed to juicing.

  5. I know there are some who do blend with say a vitamix. To me it seems as that would be good, however, may not rest the digestive system as much as some would like for detox.

    My juicer ends up putting a bit of pulp in as well, its definitely a thicker juice than something you would get in the store, but without chunks of vegetables.

    I didn't get on the scale at the beginning, but weighed in at 325 like the second week of June. I can't imagine I lost much in between then and now, so we'll go with 325 as my starting point. But yeah, I'll keep you posted.
