Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I think I'm starting to get the hang of this...

So today I put together a bunch of stuff from the seeds I had soaking. I made some Sunflower Seed Refried Beans (that don't really taste like refried beans, but aren't bad), some really good pico de gallo, and I made some guacamole, I also finished the mock tuna salad, which is AWESOME wrapped in lettuce with a little bit of soy sauce. I have some additional projects going as well -- I'm in the process of making some banana chips, and seasoning some more almonds to dry, as well as soaking more sunflower seeds for some additional things.

Food-wise, I had a banana with my herbal tea this morning for breakfast, mid morning had a couple ounces of seasoned almonds, for lunch I had a salad with some mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, sunflower seeds, and shredded carrots. During the afternoon, I had the rest of the seasoned almonds another ounce or two, and a homemade larabar (I need to stay away from those things! LOL) For dinner tonight I had some lettuce wraps. One of them was the Mock Tuna Salad, and another was a wrap of the sunflower refried beans. Then I put together two wraps for dinner that were a combination of Sunflower Beans, Pico De Gallo, Guacamole and sprouts wrapped in some green leaf lettuce. It was super good! (Picture is at the top)

Weight is holding steady at 304, at least I'm not rapidly losing anymore. I should start losing at about 1-2 pounds a week now with my calorie intake about 2,000 calories a day. I'm working out Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays right now, and looking for something to put in on Tuesday and Thursday evenings that would not necessarily workout the muscles that I'm using M-W-F as I need to be resting them, but still is a workout/relaxing/stress relieving -- maybe Yoga or Pilates?? Racquetball? Swimming? Don't know. Still thinking about that.

Other than that, things went pretty good today from a diet standpoint. I was a little on the irritable side, but that's just kind of a me thing every now and again -- I don't think it was a function of lack of energy or anything.

Well, I need to cut this short so I can get the stuff from the foods today put into Vida so I
can count todays calorie intake.


  1. SWIMMING! Such a great workout and easy on the body...as long as you don't mind the chlorine being soaked into your body:)

  2. That's an idea! I just get so bored going back and forth, that's the hard part.

  3. So when I come down you are going to make me some of this incredible food right?

  4. And maybe teach me how to make the chips?

  5. Also I know this is my third comment but bear with me, take a water aerobics class, that way it isn't as boring and its not as rough on your muscles.
