Thursday, July 22, 2010


I'll keep this short as I didn't get a chance to log an entry last night before bed as it was a late night. (Wife and I watched Back to the Future II)

Yesterday was pretty standard -- Food, workout, etc... but I had a chance to get some stuff cooked up and made that is pretty neat.

I seasoned and dehydrated some more almonds for snacking on. This batch wasn't as good as my other ones -- have to do it the original way again. I also put together and made some flax seed crackers for some snack items as well.

I'm finding the raw thing isn't particularly difficult if you have some low fat, raw snacks to keep around. The main dishes are veggie wraps, salads, and raw entrees if you get really adventurous -- but as the goal of most 'diets' is basically grazing as the day goes on instead of 3 square meals, it works pretty well.

So yesterday we had a barbecue for the Northwest Steelheaders (a fishing/conservation organization I belong to) and its potluck style. The hardest part about this raw diet is eating around others that are not raw. (and for me, explaining it all to a bunch of crusty old fishermen from up the canyone didn't sound like fun...) Last year, Shannon and I went, and we weren't able to eat the main course as they were pork Octoberfest Sausages -- however, it wasn't a problem because there were TONS of salads! So I made some raw coleslaw to take with us, and figured I'd have some salad, and some raw coleslaw.

We got there, and everything on the table this year had been purchased -- Reser's Potato Salad, some Italian Pasta Salad, Fried Chicken, Brownies, Cookies, Blueberry/Peach Cobbler, the list goes on. Not a salad to be seen. The entrees: Really good looking Costco Hamburgers, and a freshly caught Chinook on the grill.

I went through the line, grabbed myself some coleslaw, about a tablespoon of the pasta salad, and a little chunk of Chinook. (I know... Slap my hand) I'm not sure I can technically classify myself as non-wheat or 100% raw anymore. But it was delicious, and a 1000 times healthier choice than the Costco burgers.

I was still hungry, so I had a little more coleslaw, and then I went through the burger line, and grabbed some lettuce, onion, and tomato, and stuck the tomatoes and onions into the lettuce, with a little bit of mustard, and nommed on those. Not too bad.

My body has been craving protein, at least it seems that way, so I'm tryign to be more conscious of taking in more nuts and seeds with my raw meals. The refried beans that I made, and the almonds have got plenty, but with the workouts and building muscle, my body could always use more. Not to mention, the O+ Blood Type requires a high protein diet. So I'll need to come up with a maintenance diet the start this weekend that allows for higher protein.

That's all for now, tonights blog will go up this evening.


  1. how did the flax crackers turn out? I've been wanting to make those.

  2. They're good. They remind me a lot of Kavli crackers if you've had those during Unleavened Bread. They have a slightly different consistancy. They're 'airy' I guess. Not as dense.

  3. I used the Flax Seed Crackers with the picture.
