Saturday, July 17, 2010

Who knew?

Who knew a banana could taste so good!! Today marked my first day off of the 'juice fast' and as a result I began adding things into my daily schedule that I've missed. One of those things....


I know it sounds silly, but its really kind of cool to just sit and chew your food enjoying each of the wonderful tastes within. lol

I woke up this morning, had my normal cup of Potassium broth, drank some water, and made my first juice of the day. I call it Pop. It's Pineapple, Orange, and Plum. Super tasty, great way to start the day.

Then I had my banana. The best tasting banana ever. No really. Ever.

I made a sub-par V8 for my afternoon juice today, finishing it once we got home from services. Following that I ate some organic red seedless grapes, and later on some fresh blueberries. I also had a chance to go shopping this evening after Sabbath to pick some stuff up to start putting together for next week.

I'm going to make some Almond Cheese, some Flax Seed Crackers, some Raw Salsa, and something called "Crab Delite" which is supposed to mimic a crab/tuna salad, but apparently is pretty good with no crab whatsoever wrapped in lettuce leaves. I also picked up a couple of cucumbers to try out the 'Gorilla Sandwich". I've got plenty of greens for salads, but looking for a decent dressing recipe.

I got hungry while I was shopping this evening and broke down and bought a Larabar. Two things I noticed.

1) They are WICKED good.
2) They are definitely a treat, not a staple. With that said, I think I should probably find a good recipe and make my own, otherwise, a guy might go broke. lol

I think I'll start out tomorrow with a juice, then some Coconut Yogurt with blueberries and banana. For lunch I think a salad sounds awesome with plenty of fresh vegetables. For dinner... hmmm... have to look around and see what I can find. Found a great website with lots and lots of raw recipes here

I'll keep you posted on the adventure.


  1. Awesome website, ben! I have been making my own almond milk for a while now, I was excited to see that the recipes on the site are similar to my own made up recipe, aside from being proportioned (I just throw stuff in the blender!) It's crazy how fun it can be when you start trying to think about eating raw and organic, etc. It's like a project and the outcome is a healthier you. It's definitely not for everyone, as most people you try to talk to about it look at you like you're from Mercury and then tell you that you are crazy. Keep it up! I am going camping!

  2. Have fun with the camping! Sounds like a blast!

    I'm in the middle of several raw projects right now in the kitchen.

    A mock 'tuna' salad for lettuce wraps made with almonds, some sunflower refried beans, some pico de gallo, and I'm soaking almonds and sunflower seeds to make some tortillaraws tomorrow.

  3. What kind of Larabar did you try?

    I'm excited to hear about all the new raw foods you're going to try! :) Keep us updated.

  4. I got one of the chocolate coconut chew larabars. They are exceptional. I'm going to experiment with the larabar recipe tonight.

  5. Oh, I'm excited! Once you perfect it, I'll copy it. :)

  6. Diana -- It's perfect as she posted on the link you gave me. Did them up today, ate one tonight, honestly - can't tell the difference. The recipe on the website made about 10 just a shade smaller than store bought Larabars. They are exceptionally good.

    You need a VERY good Food Processer. FYI
