Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Busy Day = Late Night

So Shannon and I planted a mess of peas this year in the garden. With all the cold weather we've been having, the peas did exceptionally well. We picked and shelled 20 pounds worth of peas last night. The shelling took us from about 9:40 last night (once we got the kids to bed finally) to 1:30 or so. So needless to say, yesterday's post didn't happen. :)

It was an interesting day yesterday.

I woke up with a start -- thinking I had broken my fast. I had the most realistic dream the night before about Wendy's Double Stacks. In the dream, I had managed to put away 3 of them, and mid way through my fourth, I kind of went... WAIT! MY JUICE FAST!!! That's when I woke up. I don't even like Wendy's Double Stacks that much. I was glad however upon waking that I was only a dream. I have read in sources on Juice Fasting that cravings and things will come and go. Shannon and I talked a bit about the dream and had a good laugh about it, but the reality is... when this juice fast is over... Those things are still going to be out there. Tempting me - This plan isn't a simple quick fix, it never was. It is still going to be a battle and a fight when this whole thing is over with to stay away from all the processed foods.

Quick rundown of the schedule and Juices yesterday -- Mid morning I had Watermelon Juice, just straight, rind and all. I went to the YMCA yesterday, and started into my workout schedule, so I'm doing that Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm supposed to be resting my body. (Good thing too, I'm a bit sore today) Shannon and I swung by Lifesource, a local health food store in hopes that they had a raw juice bar. They did not, however, they sold bottled juices from Columbia Gorge Organic, and of them all, I grabbed the 'Pure Pressed Greens Goodness' because I needed some green vegetables. Bad. It was ok -- really strong, but were needed. Suck it up dude. Do it. Came home, and put together a mix of Celery, Cucumber, Apple, and Spinach for my afternoon vegetable juice. One of the most important lessons I've learned from this fast, and juicing in general is MIX APPLE OR CARROT JUICE WITH YOUR VEGGIE JUICE. Gives it enough sweet to overcome the taste of the green vegetables. Other fruit are no good as the digestive enzymes needed for both are different except for Apple and Carrot, they'll mix just fine.

Couple things I've noticed.

1) I'm down to 308, from 325 the second week of June. Which is great! But as I've maintained, this whole thing is about clearing out the system in preparation for the maintenance diet afterwards, NOT about weight loss. The part that makes me a little nervous is that means I'm down 4 pounds since Friday. That's about a pound a day, which in talking with someone that has done this before -- is not uncommon. It is however not healthy. I know, 2 pounds a week. The weight is melting off pretty quick, but I'm not feeling the least bit faint, piqued, dizzy. I have loads of energy. While not 'healthy', it is something I'm watching/curious about.

2) I injured my shin a few year back at the Yahn's lake cabin at Dore Lake in Saskatchewan. Injured it bad -- like shattered the front part of it. I didn't really realize what I had done until it was too late to go and get it fixed, and as a result, my left shin if you run your finger along it is marred with peak and valleys, and channels were it grew back wierd. Yesterday, I was stretching at the YMCA and happened to put my finger in one of the valleys, and the valley felt super squishy. Not normal. I'm not sure if I'm retaining water, or what the story is, but will be looking into that as well.

3) The more I read about raw food, the more I realize that my goal was more 75% vegetarian. lol. Shannon and I discussed this a bit, and for this maintenance diet to be successful, it has to be sustainable. Eating raw in the summer is easy -- there are fresh fruits and vegetables EVERYWHERE! During the winter though, it becomes more difficult. Don't get me wrong, it can be done. But the cost is ridiculous. As is, organic produce is 2-3 times more expensive than the other stuff, you add in out of season costs with that and a raw diet becomes cost prohibitive. We're looking to set up a seasonal menu of fruits and vegetables that are in season here in Oregon during different times, so that we can focus our meals during that time period to use those fruits and vegetables. I'm still staying somewhat flexible with what I do when the 21 days are up. I want to continue juicing, and want to ensure that the majority of what goes in my mouth is plants, but I would also like to be able to enjoy cooked foods.

I'll have to play it by ear a bit I guess and do some more reading. As always, your suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated.

Off to go make some juice! :)


  1. I woudln't worry about the pound a day weight loss just yet, Ben. Typically it will slow down as your body adjusts to the new diet. You can expect to lose more than the average person might, just because you do have a little more to lose. If I had to guess, you will level off (a bit) after the first week, but time will tell!

    Sorry about your knee/shin! The number of times I have jumped from the boat to the dock like that, it's a wonder I haven't bit it once or twice, call me lucky. Just think of the valleys in your shin as speed valleys, just like the speed dents in the bronco from the hail!

    You've inspired me to dig out my juicer from my parent's basement when I am home next time. Meag and I are rooting for you!

  2. You are right about the cost of a raw diet! I mainly am trying to do most of our snacks and some breakfasts and side dishes raw...a lot of what I have read is making things with seeds and nuts. Those can be expensive too...but some of the recipes are super yummy. Especially for desserty type things. I don't feel guilty eating chocolate sauce when it is made with an avocado and dates:)
    I am so glad to hear of all the energy you have. I just figured fatigue would be huge...
    Keep it up:)

  3. Well today was fatigue/irritability central, but I think it was the going to bed at 2, and getting woken up by the munchkins at 8 rather than the juice fast. Could have been a detox symptom -- don't know -- but for the most part -- Energy has been good.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry I had so many typos in my first post I couldn't stand it. :P What I wrote was.....

    I'm learning a lot about healthy eating right now too. Nadine let me borrow "nourishing traditions". It's a super big eye opening book and if you and Shannon haven't read it, I suggest you do. It makes a lot of sense and it has a lot of recipes in it. (basicly a cook book with a lot of info throughout)
    I'm still reading the beginning of it so I have a lot to learn from it. :P
    Happy Juicing!

  6. I will admit that, that shin thing is creepy and should probably be checked out. However as for the weightloss, when I was on weight watchers the first few weeks i was losing 5 pounds a week and then it started to slow down and I think it was because I made such a drastic change in my food intake....Something to think about anyway. Keep up the good work brosif!
