Sunday, July 11, 2010

But that's not Fair...

Sure it is. It's the Marion County Fair!

My schedule was way erratic today, and today ended up more of a 'fast' than a juice fast by the time I was done.

Shannon and I and the kiddos were out late last night, (Back to the Future @ Riverfront Park)way later than my tired old hind end can keep up with, so we ended up sleeping late. I got up, tried to go through my morning routine. 24 ounces of water, a mug of broth, computer. I got up, juiced my mid-morning, mid afternoon juice. With the kids a little chaotic, and the hurry, hurry, hurry of getting to the fair. I was able to get through about half of the water, got the mug of broth, did a small amount on the computer. Got my juice made (3 carrots, 1 mango, 2 Oranges) and out the door we went.

It was impossible to find water for under $5.00 a bottle, and I have really been trying to avoid the chlorinated stuff, so once the bottle of water I brought in the cooler with my juice was up, that was it. Needless to say, needed the water today as hot as it was.

Came back from the fair really sapped, tired, a little loopy -- partly the heat, partly the lack of water, and partly the juice. This mornings juice actually made me a little nauseous which was weird. The mango was most definitely not ripe, but I juiced it anyway. Wondering if that was it.

Stomach was still a bit sketchy about 4:00 so I juiced, but refridgerated it. Did a straight watermelon juice, rind and all. (websites suggested to juice the rind as well) It's good -- tastes like you've bit into the rind, but light and sweet.

Tomorrow, the schedule begins anew, with a real focus in making sure that I get to all the things I need to get to. Methinks, part of that means stepping away from Facebook. lol

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and best of luck on the work week ahead.


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