Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Seriously, does everyone have to barbecue today??

First Day almost down. Only 20 more to go...

I've decided it probably wasn't the smartest thing to do this during summertime, with all the awesome grill smells around. Everywhere I went today, people were cooking awesome food!! The Farmer's Market -- Yakisoba and Grilled Teriyaki Chicken. Walking to the car from the YMCA after the kids gymnastics classes -- Guy at the Statesman Journal barbecuing hamburgers. Shannon is outside currently grilling chicken for her and the kids for dinner, which is why I'm inside camping out with my absolutely grotesque attempt at V-8.

The day started out so well.

For breakfast I had some vegetable Broth I made last night from a bunch of different vegetables (Stir Fry Veggie packets on clearance at Fred Meyer) + some mushrooms. Popped it into the microwave, and put it into a coffee mug, and could almost pretend that I was sitting with a cup of coffee. Almost.

For a mid-morning snack and lunch, I juiced 3 large carrots, 2 apples, 2 plums, and 3 celery stalks and diluted it 50/50 with water and nursed that for a while each time I felt hungry. Surprisingly haven't had a lot of hunger pangs today, despite being the second day without solid food.

For lunch I attempted to make V-8. It didn't turn out too well, but it included: 3 Large carrots, 3 very small beets, 5 medium tomatoes, 1/2 a bunch of Spinach, 1/4 head of Cabbage, 1 red bell pepper, 1 green bell pepper, 4 stalks of celery, 1/4 of an onion, 2 cloves garlic, 5-6 Beet Greens, and lots and lots of tabasco to fix the taste. LOL!

It's not particularly good, but its loaded with vegetables, and it ended up making a lot, so I'm still working on sucking it down now that it's 6:00.

In between all of this, I've been working on getting the required amount of water for the day. Plain for most of the day, but the latest bit of water, I threw a few hunks of lemon into for some additional taste, also to help take the taste of the V-8 out of my mouth.

From a standpoint of how I'm feeling, this morning I felt very alert! Woke up right away, had lots of energy, and through the day had a lot of energy. This afternoon however, I'm feeling a bit more lethargic, and my head's feeling a little foggy. I think I'll do up a fruit/vegetable mix this evening -- Pineapple, Orange, Mango, Cucumber, and Kale (I need more Green Leafy's Today) -- as soon as I can choke down the 1/2 liter of V-8 I have left, which should give me a little pick me up. So far so good, but it's still early.

Shannon noticed I'm starting to get a little bit irritable, so its possible that the detoxification has begun in earnest, I haven't noticed how I'm much different than I am normally. ;)

A poll of sorts for those of you who are actually taking the time to read all of this. As the blog progresses, how much information do you want me putting in? Do you want to hear about the Mood Swings? Detoxification symptoms? BM'S? Or should a fellow just keep that kind of stuff to himself.

I'll put it up to you to vote. Majority wins.

I appreciate everybody's support and kind words, it makes it much more difficult to quit if it feels like I'm letting other's down instead of just myself. I'm used to letting myself down, but work hard not to let down others, so I appreciate your encouragement.


  1. Are you going by some sort of detox program or just whatever you want? I've always wondered if I would need to follow some program or just juice whatever I want.
    I am curious to know details, but maybe not so much the BM's:) please keep posting the juice recipes, mood swings, symptoms and maybe even weightloss.
    And yes, we did BBQ sorry.

  2. I'm detoxing currently via the juice fast. Taking in my calories as juice, and resting the digestive system. Losing the refined sugars, carbs and fats, and allowing the body to rejuvenate, burn some fat and release some baddies.

    Basically, I'm juicing whatever sounds good with a couple of rules.

    1) Need to consume at least 4 liters of juice.
    2) Need to take in 2 lbs of leafy greens

    I'm debating on different supplements. I'm thinking maybe Evening Primrose to aid in the detoxification? I'm leary about putting anything but raw stuff in right now as I do this.

    What do you think?

    I'll go easy on the details :)

  3. I am with Rayetta on the details! :D

  4. I couldn't do a detox like that for more than a day, Ben! Especially directly following a full fast! And I'm on for all the details - minus the BM's. :)

  5. Sounds good, details minus the 'details' :)

  6. Sounds like a great plan to me! I'm so excited to hear how you feel when the 20 days are over.

  7. When you said you need to juice at least 4 liters of juice and 2 Lbs. leafy vegetables, is that the total for the whole day? I am trying to figure out how to help my son William loose 80 pounds. I need to loose 15,and I just bought a new Jack La Lane juicer which I hope I can juice just about anything. I am also interested in what fruits or vegetables your taking that is helping you to reduce your hunger pains. Any help would greatly be appreciated. Is it possible in your blog you could sketch out what your daily routine is as far as juicing, what you drink and times during the day you drink it?

    Thank you, Ben
    Starla Barnhill (UCG)

  8. Hey Starla, I can put the days recipes up as well as the times. The thing to keep in mind with juice fasts is every person is different. Each persons body responds differently, and the hunger pangs and headaches vary from person to person. What works best is what works best for you. But I'll put my schedule up.

    I would caution you to using a juice fast as a weight loss program. Particularly, for fast weight loss and the reality of this program is, it will only work if the person is committed to seeing it work. Will you lose weight? Yes. I'm down 13 pounds (though not all of that is from juicing) it's really not safe/healthy to lose much more than about 2 lbs per week. (if you want to keep it off) anymore than that and you will yo-yo.

    I'll put some recipes up as I go, and the times. For the most part, my schedule is as follows.

    Soon after I wake up: 2 cups of Vegetable Broth.
    11:00 -- Half of my Fruit Juice
    1:00 -- the other Half of my Fruit Juice
    3:00 -- Vegetable Juice (I nurse this until 5 or 6)
    6:00 -- Fruit/Vegetable combination

    On average, I've only been getting 3 liters of juice a day (which is still more than a lot of folks take in) and haven't been great on the 2lbs of leafies juiced. Can't find a decent recipe for juiced kale. lol

    I'll keep updating.
