Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I. am. Beat.

I don't know if the exhaustion has anything to do with the fasting so much as it has to do with very litle sleep last night, but this blog post is the only thing standing between me and my bed, so this one is going to be quite a bit shorter.

I had an interesting day from the standpoint of moods: I was in a bad one most of the day -- tired, irritable, I just kind of wanted to disappear for some me-time for a while. The kids were driving me nuts, they were both tired as well. Just a bad combination.

Morning -- Melon Delight -- 1 Cantaloupe, 3-4 handfuls of Red Grapes, 3 celery stalks. YUM!
Afternoon -- Vegetable -- Handful of Kale Leaves, Handful of Collard Greens, 3 celery stalks, 1 cucumber, 2 Apples, 1 carrot. Pretty good for vegetable juice. :)

While we were out and about today, we discovered a pretty cool raw food called Larabars. I've been testing them out on Shannon so she can decide if they're any good or not. Something to keep around as treats once we're able to do food again. They're a little pricey, but if you pick them up online, they're a bit cheaper. Might be worth looking into. Shannon really likes the Chocolate Coconut and Key Lime.

I'm off to bed, and hoping for a better attitude tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Larabars!! Seriously. I'm so in love with them! The lime and lemon are good. So is the Peanut Butter cookie! I watch for them on sale and try to combine with a coupon.

    I did find a recipe online to make them: http://gnowfglins.com/2009/12/04/enzyme-rich-homemade-larabar/

    They are still not CHEAP - as dates are not cheap. But a whole lot cheaper than Larabars if you like them. I'm going to give them a try, once I source out my cheapest date source. I also have to track down someone with a food processor. :)

    Anyways, sorry to hear your mood wasn't great today. Hope you get plenty of sleep tonight!
