Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hooray for Food!

With the juice fast behind me, now I have a chance to look forward to some awesome natural foods and some different methods of preparing those foods than I have been used to.

Using the website I posted in yesterdays blog, I've started several of their recipes and am in the middle of a few projects... but let's back up to today's foods.

This morning, I woke up and had my last mug of potassium broth. It won't be necessary now that I'm taking in solid foods again. I had a bowl of non-dairy coconut yogurt, with fresh blueberries and organic banana. YUM! The coconut yogurt is not very sweet, in fact, EXTREMELY tart, so I added a bit of honey to it to take the edge off.

For lunch, I made a vegetable juice of 2 apples, 1 English Cucumber, 3 Celery Stalks, 2-3 Kale leaves, and 2 Carrots. Pretty good stuff, so far my favorite vegetable juice recipe.

I finished the juice up about 2:30, and went a while without eating. I finished off the day with a nice big salad of fresh lettuce greens, kale leaves, onions, tomatoes, avocado, and sprouts in a vinagrette dressing. SO GOOD!

I picked up all the stuff I needed tonight for homemade larabars, which I plan on doing tomorrow. I made potato chips today -- they're rad. A bit on the salty side (oops) but overall, pretty tasty. Very different texture than standard potato chips. Made them in the dehydrator.

I've got some mexican spicy almonds dehydrating on the dehydrator now for little snackies too. If I could find some good raw soy sauce that didn't cost and arm and a leg, I would do a soy/wasabi almond. They're my favorite flavored almond.

Other than that, I'm in the process of also making some "Sunflower Refried Beans", "Onion Dip", and "No-Bean Hummus". I'm also planning a dinner, perhaps tomorrow night of Raw burritos. The Sunflower Refried Beans, some almond cheese, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, raw guacamole, cilantro all wrapped in big lettuce leaves.

Intrigued and excited about the possibilities as the week goes on. Shannon has become a guinea pig, ("Hey Honey!! Try this!") she is less than enthused. :)

1 comment:

  1. send some stuff my way...I would love to try everything out:)
